Thursday 16 March 2017

The Writer's Journal

For me it's not a book, but instead my Google Drive. The digital folders allow me to save my prompts and ideas for me to use where ever I need or want to. It's not one big file taking up megabytes of my storage, no, it's a folder riddled with various Google Doc files labelled with appropriate titles and ordered alphabetically.  

I use my Google Drive for prompts, ideas and organised files and folders of various characters and pre-started books. One of the reasons I use it is because I only write when I have access to the internet, and a Google Drive allows me to have the updated version of my work at all times instead of having to carry flash drives with me just encase I have a breakthrough. As for the reason I have my journal digitalised, it purely stops me from drawing left eyes all over the pages of a book - I have an obsession. And if it isn’t eyes, then it’s theories from either my boyfriend’s DND roleplay or that from The Evillious Chronicles [a story about The Seven Deadly Sins by Akuno-P].

You may find scraps of paper scattered in my average teenage boy's room, but those are only quick ideas I write down before I log into my laptop and go to my Drive. Besides, most of those page scraps have more than likely escaped from my toppled over bin. Yes I know, I'm bad because I put paper in the bin - but only AFTER I've typed the ideas up.

My Google Drives keeps everything, it keeps me organised like a posh snob who has to have everything clean and sorted. Organisation, I believe is key to a good journal, which is why I can’t have a book - I’d get too frustrated trying to find Snooty in the Apocalypse. It also refrains me from having notes here and there in a book from where I’d fill out a whole page and then have to continue a few pages after because I’ve decided to art up my book with those damn eyes - I’m not kidding, I have a real obsession.

You see, a journal needs not the eyes of one's peers, that's why mine is locked up with a password which is more than eight characters long with a number and a capital letter.

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