Sunday 2 October 2016

Kagome Kagome Episode Two

“Hurry up, you vial demonic child!” She spoke while, pulling me by the right arm, digging her black claws into the burns that patterned my right arm. Dark clouds filled my view, raining washing me out like a tidal wave; wet locks of my cyan hair folding over my two-toned blue eyes. It was all right for her, she had an umbrella. My legs were aching with an unbearable pain, but I continued to be dragged by my social worker through the gloomy rain. Destination reached. “This is your last chance, if you blow this up and this family don’t want you, you are not returning. You’ll be left on the streets for dead.” She spat, then flung me in front of her, causing me to fall onto the wet floor, the beautiful pure liquid soaking into my dull grey dirty dress pants. The hole in the left leg of my dirty dull grey dress pants ripped bigger, concrete and gravel scraping into my skin, tearing at the flesh. The cold, beautiful, pure rain water cooled down the wound. She then pulled me up by my right arm, lifting me barely off the floor. “You are a worthless child. You are useless child.” She fired her disgusting insults at me as if I didn’t know. Every time I came to a new house, she told me, reminded me. “Ahh!” I cried out when she squeezed my wrist tightly. “Brat! Are you listening? What are you?!” She yelled at me. “A useless child, Cho-san” I replied, my shaky scared voice filled with pain, earning a smirk from her. She threw me to the floor again, and looked down at me, she towered me and her umbrella didn’t help with the intimidation: it circled her like a bad aura. “Good bye, brat.” She marked her last words and walked off, leaving me on the cold wet floor, with nothing but my cross of Christ and daddy’s match box. The rain was getting considerably worse.

I walked through the metal gates to a large mansion. It looked like a million people could live there. Either side of me were bushes where beautiful roses grew, each one unique to its sister. The rainwater silently dripped off the petals, dropping with a plop into the delicate clear puddles. I tapped the rusted copper knocker on the door, and the door instantly opened, though no one was stood by the large heavy wooden gate. I walked through into a large dark hall, feeling a cold chilling breeze whip past me. “Hello?” I called out, then felt a pair of freezing hands clamber over my damp shoulders. Turning around and stepping back in one swift movement, I saw a boy standing before me. He was four inches taller than my small five foot two slender figure. His bright lavender hair penetrated my eyes and his rosé pink irises hypnotised me. Dark bags fell just underneath his dead-looking eyes, his smooth porcelain white skin giving him the look of doll-like corpse. He wore a sinister smile which made me feel uneasy and sick. “I want this one.” He spoke in a dull monotone voice. I shivered as goosebumps catered my skin. I was already regretting coming here. “Koizumi. Koizumi, Akio” I introduced myself to the boy. He replied, throwing me his name as if it meant nothing, continuing using the monotone voice. “Kanato.” He looked at me in disgust, most likely at the clothing I had sticking to my skin. He shook his head then took my hand, beginning to me to his courters. I yelped in pain as he tightened his grip over the fresh cuts left from my social worker’s nails. The boy named Kanato released me as he heard my cry of pain. He took a moment to assess the scattered scared blisters across my face and arm, questioning “What happened?” “My house caught ablaze.” I explained, then went into details about how I only wanted to make a small fire with daddy’s matches, and make mummy happy by getting rid of a letter that angered her. I saw a horrible smile gleam on Kanato’s face when I told him that mummy, daddy and my baby brother had died in the fire. The deadness within Kanato’s eyes rattled a bit of sorrow and he pulled me into a hug just as a tear shook from my eyes. For once since being sent to the care home, I felt safe. I felt safe within the monotone boy’s arms. This was a feeling I had never experienced within the care of my many previous foster homes. Everything seemed brighter, despite the purple walls within this mansion being filled with darkness. Oh father from the heavens was giving me a light through Kanato.

Kanato let go of me then took my hand gently, pulling me the rest of the way to his courters. His bedroom was like a child’s and it brought my warmth to my heart. Toys filled the floor; teddies, dolls, cars, everything a child could desire and despite my mid-teen age, I loved it. I ran to porcelain doll which had long golden locks, sweet red lips, indigo eyes, a large red bonnet, and a black and red silky dress. Cracks lined the doll’s face like falling tears over her rosy cheeks, but it didn’t stop her from being the most beautiful out of all of Kanato’s dolls. Kanato came over to me, holding an English Victorian nightgown. “You can have Anabelle. I do not like her” Kanato said, passing me the nightgown. “Get changed. I will lend you clothes until we buy you some”. Kanato left the room, leaving me to myself to get changed. I pulled my wet clothes off, putting them on the ottoman that stood south of the king sized bed. I slid on the nightgown, the cloth felt kind to skin, it made me excited about going to sleep in this new house, with this new family. I picked up Anabelle and knocked on the door, indicating to Kanato that I was changed.

Kanato walked in, and hugged me again. It was weird, but I smiled. Feeling warmth against his cold, pulseless-hearted skin. Something wasn’t right. “I am thirsty” He spoke, the monotone voice sounding duller than before. An extremely painful prick sunk into neck. What was this boy? He couldn’t have been human. I felt a trickle of liquid drip down my neck and onto my chest, red straining the white nightgown. Everything began going fuzzy and I dropped Anabelle, hearing hear china face crack even more. I was wrong. This family won’t bring me to safety. I could be trapped here for my eternity. Maybe I will see mommy, daddy and my baby brother again, soon. I fell into Kanato’s arms, my vision going blank, ready to be awakened the next morning.


Author's notes: This is a piece of work I had to do for my Creative Writing, in which I had to write a short story in under 1,500 words. This follows on from my book "Kagome Kagome" which tells about Akio's experiences in his previous foster homes. Originally, Akio doesn't live long enough to go to this last family, in fact, he is meant to die from starvation. But because of roleplays, Akio is taken here to the Sakamaki Mansion [for those who don't know what Diabolik Lovers is, Sakamaki is Kanato's surname] which he goes through torture [because I am evil] and ends up either dying in the fate of Kanato or becomes a vampire, I've yet to decide. Probably the death one.

This is Koizumi Akio in his original attire, inspired by a mixture of Hatsune Mikuo and Kagamine Len from Vocaloid.

This is Sakamaki Kanato and his beloved Teddy, screencapped right out the anime, Diabolik Lovers. Worth a watch. Though don't watch Season 2 Episode 10. THAT EPISODE HAS BROUGHT MANY TEARS TO MY EYES!!!!

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